Friday, February 25, 2005

female goes to bandung..

yup.. pagi ini bakal brangkat ke bdg bareng orang2 seruangan (ce cewek ce cewek rusuh!!.. :p ) untuk acara female di bsm bandung bareng elisabeth arden.. wish us luck yah!!..

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

back to jakarta..

finally.. after 5 days in medan doing some promotion for my magazine.. finally.. i get back to my desk and doing the ussual things.. such as ; browsing and checking my email ,doing some friendster.. but one thing i know that i really got tired and exhausted in medan.. well so far it's fun and rock 'n roll enough for me.... see you guys and keep rockin'!!..

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

2 hari lagi..

yup.. 2 hari lagi gue akan berangkat ke medan untuk kerjaan kantor gue.. doain sukses yah!!.. i really need that!!!..

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

it's been a hard days night..

it's been a hard days night and i've been working like a dog.. and when i get home to you i saw the thing that you and it make me feel alright.. (hard days night - the beatles)
..the word that describe me now.. but without the second line actually!!... hehehehehe.. :)

Cara & Syarat Monetisasi Youtube for Beginner 2024

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